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This is a prayer to conquer anything evil

a prayer to conquer anything evilyou
prayer to conquer anything evil
Before you start praying this prayer,say this words and I quote.

"Holy Spirit of God, I welcome you to come and help me pray in through your voice"

In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit ,I humble myself before your throne and I accept myself as a sinner . I pray that you forgive me any sin I have against anyone as I forgive those that have wronged me. I thank you very much for letting your only begotten son, Lord Jesus Christ to come and die for my sins and to take away my sins. I know and I recognize Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior . Wonderful and marvellous are the works of your hands and my soul, knows it very well. Today I decree and declare that am raised above powers and principalities of all wicked spiritual forces in the heavenly world, rulers, authorities and cosmic powers of this dark age and I say am in the light darkness no longer have any portion in me. Today I thank you for the authority that you have given me according to (Luke 10:19)so that I can walk on poisonous snakes and scopions and to overcome against the power of the enemy and nothing shall hurt me you promised me and am raising your word back to you not in void, let it come back with an answer. By the same authority I command all wicked angels that were kicked out of heaven,Satan and his agents not interfere with my physical body, my mind , my soul ,my body senses and anything good that comes from you Oh Lord my God. Those that have been rushing up and down onto the witch doctors and false for my sake, I decree and declare that their own ploats shall cause their ruin according to (psalm 16:4 those who rush to other gods bring many troubles on themselves I shall not take part in their sacrifices and I shall not worship their gods). Anyone who have placed a magic spell upon me whether spiritually or physically, I command them to loose their powers and to be rendered as useless as the chaff before wind in Jesus name as it is written in (mika 5:12 I will destroy the magic charms you use and leave you without any fortune tellers). Today I pray that you destroy all my enemies who are gloating over my downfall from each and every side as written in (Deutronomy 28:7 I will defeat your enemies when they attack you, they will attack you from one direction but they will run from you in all directions.) Rescue me from all bondages or yokes that might be tied upon me whether on my neck, hands, waist or my legs both spiritually and physically in Jesus name. For in your hands lies all solutions deliver me from all tricks of the Enemy. Today I decree and declare great casualty upon witches and wizards operating in my neighborhood. Any evil spirits behind them that they have been using to manipulate the destiny of people in this environment from today henceforth, I call it an end and I command them to loose their hold upon them and am binding them all with their high rankings and am sending them all under my feet into the deep holes of the hell, where they shall never be out to carry their evil agender against me and any innocent person in Jesus name. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I order you all you dirty and evil spirits that you were send upon me by yourselves or any person who possess as a strong man in life, to loose your hold over me and comeout and step forward, am binding you plus your high ranking and am sending you where you belong into the deep holes of the hell where you shall never be out to carry out your evil plans against me again in Jesus name. All weapons fired at me, I command it to bounce back to your senders being seven times in Jesus name. Any alignment and lack directed on me by my enemies in order to reflect upon my physical body, I call upon the Holy Ghost fire from heaven to render them weak and be destroyed into invisible ashes in Jesus name. By the power in your name Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth I decree and declare that I am a spell breaker, chain breaker and am a conqueror. In your name Lord Jesus Christ, I have prayed with thanks giving, Amen!

This is a prayer to conquer anything evil This is a prayer to conquer anything evil Reviewed by Boniface on August 17, 2023 Rating: 5

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