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Powerful Prayer

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In the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I decree and declare that am made in the image of God almighty and am raised above all powers and principalities of human beings witches and wizards and am seated on the right hand side of Jesus Christ and I say, "no weapon formed against me through any form shall prosper". I decree and declare that my household both inside and outside shall be too hot for Satan and his agents to dwell in, in the mighty name of Jesus. I command the deep wells within me to be unblock and break forth, all sickness in my body known or unknown receive heavenly storm all conspiracy against any part of my body receive destruction in Jesus mighty name. All those who have used the power of leaves,roots,ashes,evil spirits and dust against me I decree a halt of your government over my life in the mighty name of Jesus. No witch or wizard will prosper in the place of my employment, business, work or where I stay in Jesus name. I decree confusions into the camp of my enemies in the mighty name of Jesus. Those who secretly planned for my downfall shall continue living in the same perpetual shame as I prosper before their very own eyes. Any mouth that arises against me in judgement i shall condemn. Those who said that, I shall not be the head but the tail shall face the wrath of God in Jesus name. Those that have said that I shall not sell or buy unless i have the mark of the beast, I cancel their plans with Holy Ghost fire in Jesus name. All witches and wizards manifesting themselves against me at night in the form of cats,rats,mice, moths,cobwebs,lizards,evil birds,evil spirits, cockroaches and monitoring spirits, I command them to be blind and to fall to the ground never to rise again in Jesus mighty name.I decree and declare (proverbs 3:24 you will not be afraid you will sleep soundly through the night.) I call apon the Holy Ghost fire to destroy all evil spirits behind my neighbours and fake friends in Jesus name. I command the Holy Ghost fire to consume into invisible ashes any of my belongings that had been hidden in the dark world of spirits may it be photograph,cloths,hair,shoes,names, handwriting,my finances and anything that resemble me in Jesus mighty name. Any one who is jelous of my progress, and have decided to block my blessings from reaching me I command the burning sulphur and the flaming coal from heaven to fall a pon their heads in the might name of Jesus. Oh Lord my God, it's written in (Mica 5:12 "I will destroy the magic charms you use and leave you without any fortune tellers".) Any one who had placed a magic charms on the rope where i dry my clothes, on the entrance, corridors, toilets, behind the window,on the roofs of my house,on the path where I pass,all corners and behind the roads in order to destroy me,I command the fire from heaven to consume them and be rendered weak before the chaff of the windy in Jesus name. Those that had placed a cure or a curse on me i command them to be nullified by Holy Ghost fire in Jesus name. Any evil elders who have eaten anything good from my body in order to have a long life I command them to vommit it spiritually in Jesus name. Those witches and wizards who have been sucking my blood, I command my blood in their bodies to turn to poison in Jesus name, they have no authority over my body,soul, spirit man, my mind and my heavens in anyway and from today henceforth I decree and declare that it is a taboo for them to carry out their evil plans against me in Jesus name. I plead the blood of Jesus Christ on the roof of my house both in and out,on the walls, windows,door and on the material I lie apone I decree and declare that no evil eye shall see me no evil hand shall touch me in Jesus mighty name as it is written in (psalms 105:15 "touch not my annointed and do no harm to my prophets".) Lord my God I decree and declare that those who rash to witch doctors and false prophets for my sake, their troubles shall be multiplied as it is written in (palms 16:4 those who rush to other gods bring many troubles on themselves and I shall not take part in their sacrifices I shall not worship their gods.) Jesus Christ you said "in your name you shall cast out the devil and he will flee from us". In the most potent and powerful name of Jesus Christ I command the Satan and his agents leave my life and I sent them into the deep holes of the hell where they shall never be out to carry out their evil plans against my me again in Jesus name. Lord my God you are the healer to my diseasess. I grand you permission to loose your healing power apon any wounds and pain in my body caused by the evil of the enemy. See through my eyes,hear through my ears,speak through my voice, examine me and if you find any weakness in me, expose them and destroy them for am in your care for in your hands lies all solutions deliver me from any bondages or yoke that might be tied against me both spiritually and physically in Jesus name. I pray that any evil food introduced to me from the table of Satan in dreams or any food I have swallowed in dreams I vomit them spiritually in the might name of Jesus. In Jesus mighty name I have prayed and believed with Thanksgiving Amen!!

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