
Prayer point

Prayer Point,Prayer For Salt And Water,Business Prayer, morning prayer for help,A Prayer To Reverse The Unjust Situation, midnight prayer, powerful prayer
prayer point


Before you pray, this are the scriptures that your enemy and my enemy the so called Satan and his agents don't want you to know.

Deutronomy 28:7

The Lord will defeat your enemies when they attack you. They will attack you from one direction but they will run from you in all directions.

Deutronomy 28:28-29if you disobey

The Lord will make you lose your mind,he will strike you with blindness and confusion you will grope about in broad daylight and you will not be able to find your way. You will not prosper in anything you do and you will be constantly oppressed and robbed and there will be no one to help you.

Amos 3:3

Two cannot walk together unless they agree.

Isaiah 43:2

When you pass through deep waters I will be with you. Your troubles will not overwhelm you. When you pass through fire you will not be burned .The hard trial that comes will not hurt you.

Jeremiah 33:3

Call to me and I will answer you. I will tell you marvelous things that you know nothing about.


I will destroy the magic charms you use and leave you without any fortune tellers.

Psalm 16:4

Those who rush to other gods bring many troubles on themselves.

Proverbs 4:16-17

Wiked people cannot sleep unless they have hurt someone. They stay awake unless they make someone fall.

Prayer to wear the full amor

In the name of Jesus Christ am tossing myself into the pool of blood of Jesus seven times and am taking the full amor of God to destroy all tricks and scums of the enemy. Amen!

Prayer for protection

Lord Almighty God it's written that all of us are the body of Christ, therefore anyone one who have cast spells upon me, they have just laid their burden to the body of Christ and now they are forgiven. In Jesus name I pray with thanks giving, Amen!

Prayer gainst spiritual pollution

Lord I thank you for sorking me into your mighty spiritual bath of blood of Jesus against spiritual pollution assigned against me In the realm of the spirit and by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ am clean from all impurity. In Jesus name I pray Amen!

Prayer to rise up your spirit from inside of you

Christ in me rise up and take your position from inside of me pull out anything evil that God didn't allow in my body. For it's written greater is who is inside of me than the one in the world. Amen!

Prayer against witchcraft attack

Am binding in the name of Jesus all evil spirits of witches, wizards, witch doctors, and blood thursty spirits from attaching themselves to me and am losing down the Angel of war and his army to come and hearken the word of God on my behalf based on Psalms 91. Amen!

A prayer to bind and loose spiritual attack

Father according to Mathew 16:19 I thank you for the keys to the kingdom of heaven that you have given to me so that whatever I bind here on Earth will be bound in heaven and whatever I loose hear on Earth will be loosed in heaven, therefore for in the name of Jesus Christ am binding Satan, his agents all wicked spiritual forces in the heavenly world rulers, authorities and cosmic power of this dark age from interfering with my spiritual realms my house and everything that has coming from above and am losing the might flaming sword from heaven to come and hearken the word of God based on psalms 35. Amen!

Prayer to break witchcraft curses

Anything evil that have been programed into the sun, moon, stars, airwaves and atmosphere by the evil one, am taking authority from Jesus Christ and am commanding them to loose their power and be weakened in Jesus name. Amen!