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Here comes the businesses that never fails

Businesses that never fails

Businesses That Never Fail

Provided that you have been wondering where to invest you your money but you don't know where to start, then worry no more you have come to the right place.


Land is a scarsity asset in nature of which, you cannot move it from one place to another. You will agree with me that if you were to buy a piece of land totalling to about two hundred thousand dollars, in five years time the price would have increased to about one million dollars or more. Another thing you can apply to it after buying, is to practice farming provided that it is fertile and if not consider creating a place for car parking . By doing so you may end up charging certain fee for each car being parked on your yard.


Another place to invest your money rather than locking it on a fixed saving account is transport. In each and every country, transport sector has shown a rapid growth across the globe. In Kenya the most used means for passangers transportation are Nissan and buses, of which I prefer to buy at least three Nissans rather than one bus in order not to have losses once one of your Nissans undergoes a savare accident. The amount of money one can make as a Nissan owner is forty dollars per day made from each Nissan. The reason as to why I prefer Nissan than a bus is that money obtained from one Nissan can be used to repair others. They say never put your eggs in one basket. Why am I saying so? Take an example where by you had only one bus and once it involves in an accident you may end up having losses since you had invested all of your money in one vehicle.


Investing money on staple food that a country rely on for servival can be a great business to increase profit from your customers. No matter how life is difficult at the end people must eat in order to live in this world of hedging finances.

Oil And Gases

Oil and gases as shown an increased growth for the past few years. In order for things to run smoothly in each and every country, oil and gases must be a first priority. On other hand petroleum products are mostly used in all locomotive machines such as vehicles and motorbikes for transport to take place. I recommend that if you have sufficient amount of money, it's better to try it out but if you don't try nothing is going to happen so you better try.

Here comes the businesses that never fails Here comes the businesses that never fails Reviewed by Boniface on February 03, 2023 Rating: 5

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